Borates: Why?
Benefits of Using Borate:
Keeps the pH of the water from going up (pH buffer against rises in pH)
Helps prevent algae (it is an algaestat, not an algaecide)
Lowers chlorine demand (preventing algae lowers the need for chlorine)
Helps protect HOCl (hypochlorous acid – the killing form of free chlorine) from UV destruction
Water feels softer and silkier
Water looks clearer and sparkles
Borate as a pH Buffer
Buffering is when the water resists changes in pH when acid or base are added to it. The measure of bicarbonates (HCO –) and carbonates ( CO –2) is called total alkalinity. However, most of the total alkalinity in pool water is made up of bicarbonate. Adding borate to the water prevents the pH from rising so borate is a pH buffer too. Keeping total alkalinity at 90 ppm, cyanuric acid at 30-50 ppm and borate at 50 ppm, makes an ideal overall buffering system against up or down pH changes.
Borate as an Algaestat
Borate disrupts cell wall development, metabolism and cell division. So borate is good at preventing algae (algaestat- ic) rather than killing algae (algicidal). You will need less chlorine (have a lower chlorine demand) when using borates because you are preventing algae. Some manufacturers claim 30-50% reduction in chlorine consumption.
Source and more in depth information, credit Bob Lowery:
Guide to Borate for Pools • Pool Chemistry Training Institute